
also known as cotton red Learn more about also known as cotton red

  • Control of red spiders growing cotton

    Control of red spiders growing cotton

    Cotton spider mite, also known as cotton red spider, fire dragon, fire spider. It belongs to Arachnida, Acarina, Tetranychidae. The main harmful mites are red spider mite, river spider mite and two-spotted spider mite. Small individuals, strong fecundity, more than 10 generations a year, stabbed by adult and nymph mites

    2020-11-08 Grow cotton scarlet spider control cotton spider mite also known as cotton
  • Diagnosis and Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    Diagnosis and Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    Diagnosis and control of cotton diseases at seedling stage there are many kinds of diseases in cotton seedling stage, but there are mainly two types of diseases: root disease and leaf disease. Root diseases often lead to rotting before emergence, rotten buds, root rot and stem base rot after emergence are the main causes of lack of seedlings and broken ridges in cotton fields, such as standing blight, anthracnose, red rot, quenching and so on. The leaf disease is harmful to the cotyledons, true leaves and stems of cotton seedlings, and when it is serious, the top of the stem and leaves wither and fall off, such as black spot, brown spot, cotton seedling blight, stem blight and so on. This film focuses on an overview of several

  • When do kapok trees usually lose their leaves? When will it blossom, bear fruit and grow new leaves?

    When do kapok trees usually lose their leaves? When will it blossom, bear fruit and grow new leaves?

    Kapok is also known as Red Cotton, Hero Tree, Panzhihua, Banzhi Cotton, Panzhi Tree, Panzhihua. The flowers are orange-red, enter the flowering stage after the leaves fall in February-March, blossom in March-April, blossom first and then grow leaves, and bear fruit in summer. Kapok tree has the beauty of masculinity. Kapok

    2020-11-09 Kapok tree general what month deciduous leaves when will blossom
  • When will cotton be planted? Little knowledge of cotton planting

    When will cotton be planted? Little knowledge of cotton planting

    Cotton planting time the normal situation of cotton is suitable for planting around April-May. Cotton planting knowledge (1) Land selection: cotton is a temperature-loving and light-loving crop. Liaoning belongs to the extra-precocious cotton area, which is the province with the highest latitude in the cotton area of the country, and it is not suitable to plant cotton in the cold areas of the north. Cotton roots are well developed.

  • Leaf blight of cotton

    Leaf blight of cotton

    The symptom is also known as Cercospora leaf spot of cotton. It is mainly harmful to leaves. Most of the cotton infected in the late growth stage, at first produced many dark red dots on the leaves, and then expanded into nearly round, purplish red on the edge, slightly raised, brown in the middle, and produced a white mildew layer under wet conditions, that is, the conidiophores and conidia of the pathogen. The damaged leaves are easy to break. The pathogen Mycosphaerellagossypina (Cooke) Earle is called Gossypium, which belongs to ascomycetes subphylum fungi. Ascospores globular black, ascospores

  • The effect of methamidophos

    The effect of methamidophos

    Methamidophos, commonly known as methamidophos, is a highly toxic pesticide, so what is the role of methamidophos? Methamidophos, commonly known as methamidophos, is an organophosphorus compound, white acicular crystal, soluble in water, alcohol, more soluble in chloroform

    2020-11-08 Methylamine phosphorus action methylamine phosphorus vulgarity called duo methamphetamine yes
  • Ganoderma lucidum disease: Neurospora

    Ganoderma lucidum disease: Neurospora

    Neuropara is also known as Candida albicans, Alternaria alternata, and red bread mold. It belongs to the subphylum ascomycetes, ascomycetes, Chlamydia faecalis, Chlamydia faecalis. The asexual generation is semi-known subphylum, Trichospora, Trichospora, Trichosporaceae, Monilia. The main harmful species is Alternaria alternata (N.sitophilaShearetDodge). 1. The morphological characteristics are that the ascomycetes in the sexual stage are clustered or scattered on the surface or inner layer of the matrix. Mature apothecium dark brown

  • What is a red spider and how to prevent it?

    What is a red spider and how to prevent it?

    What is a red spider? What are the hazards of red spiders and how to prevent them? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce the red spider, also known as cotton spider mite, which is mainly harmful to the growth of corn, sorghum, legumes, sugar beets, melons, vegetables and other crops in the middle and later stages. Therefore, the farming web sorted out the harm of red spiders and the prevention and control prescription.

  • What is the natural enemy of the red spider?

    What is the natural enemy of the red spider?

    Red spider, also known as cotton red spider, commonly known as big spider, big dragon, sand dragon, etc., scientific name spider mite. It is widely distributed and has mixed food habits, which can harm more than 110 kinds of plants. So what are the natural enemies of red spiders? What is the natural enemy of the red spider? the natural enemy of the red spider is Zhonghua.

    2020-11-11 Red spider natural enemy what is it red also known as cotton red
  • We should pay attention to the use of specific pesticides.

    We should pay attention to the use of specific pesticides.

    Generally speaking, the insecticidal active components of specific insecticides are different, each has its own characteristics, and it has different insecticidal mechanisms (that is, the principle of pesticides killing pests). Now the varieties that are often used in production are: acetamiprion, buprofezin, flufenuron, diflubenzuron, imidacloprid, Rui.

  • Common Diseases and Control techniques of Cotton

    Common Diseases and Control techniques of Cotton

    First, Rhizoctonia solani, commonly known as root rot and black root disease, occurs in all cotton areas throughout the country. after the damage of cotton seedlings, yellow-brown disease spots are produced at the base of the stem near the ground, and then become dark brown, and gradually sunken and rot, and in serious cases, the disease becomes thinner, and the diseased seedlings die or wilt. After the cotyledons were damaged, irregular yellowish-brown spots were formed, and then the disease part was broken and fell off into a perforated shape. After the damage in the adult stage, brown spots appeared on the leaves, and then shedding and perforation. Control methods: 1. Rational rotation: with Gramineae crops: rotation 2 ~

  • What are the common diseases and insect pests of cotton? Control techniques of Diseases and insect pests in Cotton

    What are the common diseases and insect pests of cotton? Control techniques of Diseases and insect pests in Cotton

    Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world, with high yield and low production cost, which makes cotton products relatively cheap. Cotton fibers can be made into fabrics of various specifications, from light and transparent Barry yarn to thick canvas and velveteen. Suitable for making all kinds of clothes, furniture cloth and industrial cloth

  • How to manage the rain during the cotton boll opening period?

    How to manage the rain during the cotton boll opening period?

    How to manage the rain during the cotton boll opening period? Do you have any good suggestions? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce that the rain during the cotton boll opening period is very unfavorable to the normal boll opening of cotton, so the farming network has sorted out five management methods for the rain during the cotton boll opening period, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. ...

  • What are the common diseases and insect pests in corn

    What are the common diseases and insect pests in corn

    The common diseases and insect pests in corn are corn borer, armyworm, cotton bollworm, aphid, corn leaf mite and so on. Control methods: spraying plants with 2.5% cyhalothrin 2000-2500 times solution can control Lepidoptera pests such as corn borer, armyworm, cotton bollworm, etc.

    2020-11-08 Corn common diseases and insect pests which summary corn
  • What about jasmine worms?

    What about jasmine worms?

    What about jasmine worms?

  • How do you pronounce it? Is it poisonous after biting?

    How do you pronounce it? Is it poisonous after biting?

    Also known as plywood, plyworms, fingernail beetles, scissors, two mother clamps, ear clamps, is a common insect in the tropics and subtropics, often appearing in bark crevices, deciduous leaves, and rotten wood. How do you pronounce it? Is it poisonous after biting?

    2020-11-11 Poison read bite poison
  • How to grow "onyx" kapok? In addition to watching, there are these uses!

    How to grow

    Kapok, also known as red jasmine, Panzhihua, is a large deciduous tree of the kapok family, widely distributed in the tropics, brown branches, red flowers, very dazzling. So how to grow red agate cotton? In addition to watching, there are these uses! I.

    2020-11-09 " onyx " kapok how to plant except ornamental
  • What about the latest jasmine worms?

    What about the latest jasmine worms?

    Jasmine is one of the flowers we often see in our daily life. because jasmine is very fragrant, many people will buy some jasmine from the market and grow at home. The aroma of a few flowers can fill the whole room, which is very pleasant. For those who love to grow flowers, jasmine also

    2020-11-10 The latest jasmine long worm what to do yes we
  • What are the common diseases of cotton?

    What are the common diseases of cotton?

    What are the common diseases of cotton? What are the hazards? Please also know the netizens to help introduce the common diseases of planting cotton, such as standing blight, Fusarium wilt, black rot, virus disease and stem blight; the planting network has sorted out the harm and control methods of the above cotton diseases, which are listed below for netizens' reference. Cotton.

  • Demian 206: a New Hybrid Cotton Variety with High quality

    Demian 206: a New Hybrid Cotton Variety with High quality

    In recent years, with the rapid development of the textile industry, the consumption and market demand of cotton are increasing, and the smile on the faces of cotton farmers is also particularly brilliant. For cotton farmers, how to choose excellent cotton varieties is very important. Those cotton varieties with high yield, large peach bearing, strong disease resistance and smooth bolting are usually their first choice. The following is to introduce an improved variety of cotton-Demian 206, which has many advantages above. Demian 206 is a kind of hybrid cotton with high quality, high yield and multi-resistance.
